We all have off days every now and then, it’s in our human nature. And when we are in a funk, even the smallest things that don’t usually bother us can bring us down. But the worst part is that we can’t seem to understand what’s going on and why we are getting so annoyed.

The good news is though that a bad day only stays bad if you decide to stay in this state of mind and don’t do anything about it. Keep in mind, the majority of our happiness as well as misery depends on our disposition and not our circumstances.

Reality is, there are several simple things we can do to turn things around, snap out of a funk and put a positive spin on things again. Yes, it is definitely possible to flip the switch from ‘ugh’ to ‘awesome’ again and you will be able to turn your day around.

Here are our TOP 10 tips to snap out of a funk – fast.


#1 Take Responsibility
Misery and happiness are a choice and if you are in a funk right now it is because of the way you think in this very moment. Take responsibility for your mood and know that you have the power to change your thinking instantly. Sure, happiness doesn’t always come easy and it can take a little bit of work especially when we are facing challenges. But if we are aware of what’s going on inside ourselves and consciously choose to change it and switch towards the positive, it is possible to snap out of a funk almost instantaneously.

#2 Channel Your Energy in a Positive Way
If you feel stuck in a funk, have a look at your surroundings. Are things piling up all around you? How does your office and home look like… are those spaces good for your mood? Channel your funk into something positive and start to declutter anything you don’t need or want anymore because cleaning up our environment can help to shift our own energy. At the same time focusing on a task like cleaning our house can give us the time and space to work some things out.

#3 Check Your Biology
When you find yourself in a funk take inventory of your biological balance. Did you get enough sleep? Did you eat well? Could you be deficient of a certain nutrient like vitamin D? Are you not getting enough calories or are you binging on sugary, processed foods that sap your energy? Our bodies work hard on keeping a chemical equilibrium at all times, but sometimes we need to put in a conscious effort to help our bodies. Keep in mind, chemical imbalances can have a negative impact on our mood, so it is critical to makes self-care an important part of our daily routine to keep our emotional balance and be able to snap out of a funk.

#4 Make Someone Else’s Day
Sometimes the best way to snap out of a funk is to shift our focus away from what’s bogging us down and onto another person and deciding to make their day with a random act of kindness. It doesn’t have to be something big. You can simply leave a note for a loved one, buy some extra coffee to give to your co-worker or help a friend with a project. Giving to others as well as appreciating what we’ve been given ourselves are some of the quickest ways to shake off a funk and feel better instantly.


#5 Avoid the 4 C’s
If you want to snap out of your funk you have to avoid the 4 C’s: complaining, comparing, criticizing and competing. Whenever you catch yourself engaging in any of the unhealthy C’s redirect your focus and shift it onto something happy. A memory from your favorite vacation, a funny situation that made you laugh out loud, a YouTube video that makes you smile. If you can heighten your awareness and shift your attention you can instantly boost your mood and snap out of the funk.

#6 Take a Walk
Besides being incredibly healthy, going for a walk has been proven to have awesome mood-boosting powers. Sometimes, all it takes to snap out of a funk is a change of scenery. Have a walking meeting or ask a friend to join you on a walk and you get a three-for-one win: exercise, talk and community. On the other hand, walking alone and simply letting your mind sort through things can also be very clarifying, as nature has a calming effect on us and can dispel a bad mood immediately.

#7 Create Something
We’ve all had those moments when we are in a funk and don’t even know why. If you create something and use the intuitive, creative parts of your brain, it can be extremely helpful to bring an understanding to the parts of your life that you can’t logically explain, like the funk you are in right now. Engage your senses, use your creative side and let your body move in a creative way. This will get you out of your head and into your body and your mood will shift in an instant.

#8 Write It Out
Write about your funk and get your thoughts on a piece of paper, because it can be incredibly helpful in crystallizing your emotions, feelings and thoughts. Journaling, where you simply let the words spill out of you without editing, can be amazingly freeing and clarifying. Release your funk onto a piece of paper and put down everything that comes to mind and once you are done, you will feel the clouds lift and you feel better right away.

#9 Get Bodywork
Maybe you’ve heard the saying before: ‘We carry our issues in our tissues.’ And it is true, because our life experiences, emotions and feelings always make their way into your muscles and other tissues and if you let them linger, they can produce limitations, pain and sometimes even disease. So if you are in a funk that you can’t shake, get a massage or any other kind of bodywork from an experienced practitioner. This can help you to release tension in the body and with that let go of tension in the mind.

#10 Play
While it may be the last thing on your mind when you are in a funk, go out, play and have fun. Laughter is the best medicine to release stress and a funk and doing something silly or frivolous can help to put your life back into perspective. If you can, do a headstand, forearm stand or handstand, because being upside down is good for you and instantly boosts your mood. Whatever makes you smile and laugh out loud, do it and do it often and your funk will disappear in no time.

We all go through rough times from time to time and can feel stuck, discouraged or depressed. Reality is, that being in a funk is a normal part of life and there is nothing wrong with you. Show yourself a little compassion and know that with small changes you can get out of that funk almost immediately.

Joschi & Monika

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