Decisions are a key element of our lives and in a lot of ways the decisions we make today shape the future we will have tomorrow. Of course, we aren’t in control of everything but we want to make successful choices that will continually move us in the direction of our goals and dreams and are aligned with the desired outcome we want.

While decisions are incredibly important, the science behind decision-making is not yet fully understood. The decision-making process relies on several different areas of our brain, which interacts and receives sensory information. However, the actual mechanism how decisions are formed in our brain has not yet been fully elucidated.

Most people don’t pay much attention to the profound impact their decisions have and walk through life oblivious of what thoughts they are thinking and what actions they are taking. However, every decision we make creates our personal reality and our choices shape who we are as an individual.

If you want to make bold moves, be the person you want to be and create the life you want live, you have to learn how to make better decisions. Here are our TOP 10 tips to improve your decision-making process and move closer to your goals and dreams.


#1 Use Both Sides of Your Brain
When you have a big life decision to make, don’t just use the logical, left side of your brain, but use both sides of your brain to strike a balance between emotion and reason. The right side of our brain represents our emotional intelligence, which is intrinsically linked to our behavior. While our decision-making process starts in the left prefrontal cortex, if there isn’t enough emotion behind the processes, the nucleus accumbens isn’t activated and when the nucleus accumbens isn’t activated, we won’t release dopamine – the pleasure neurotransmitter that recognizes reward – and we will likely be unmotivated to follow through on the decision.

#2 Visualize Your Future
If you want to make better, successful decisions, you have to know what success actually means to you. Once you are clear on that, visualize your ideal, successful future self and allow your mind to daydream. See, feel and experience your future self in vivid colors, beaming with energy, full of love, in the best shape of your life, with a healthy glow, surrounded by a fun circle of friends, financially independent, doing what you love to do. Keep in mind, seeing is believing and once you see and believe your future success, you will be able to achieve it and your subconscious mind will do everything in its power to support you on your way to great success.

#3 Recognize the Power of Decisions
Before you make your decision, understand the powerful impact of your choice because every decision you make causes a chain reaction of events. Are you saying no to your dream job because you fear you might fail? But if you don’t even try you will miss out on the opportunity to do what you love and be financially independent. Do you decide to move across the country for your dream job? Consider what impact it will have on your life as well as your family. Every major decision you will make results in a variety of events, make sure you consider every possible impact of your choice before you make the decision.

#4 Ask Yourself the Right Questions
Before you make your decision, it is important to ask yourself the right questions. ‘What do I want to achieve in this lifetime?’ ‘Will the result of my decision bring me closer to my goal?’ ‘ Does the reward outweigh the risk?’ ‘Is this risk level worth the reward?’ ‘Am I committed to this change?’ In order to make great decisions, you have to be self-reflective and know what you want in the first place. Figure out what you truly want out of life and decision-making will become a lot easier.


#5 Think Fast and Slow
When we ponder a decision, we work in two systems. First, we have a quick and automatic response with little or no effort, second comes the voluntary, effortful mental activity that is associated with concentration, agency and choice. Consider both systems to make the best decision. While you do want to take your time, gather all the information and carefully consider your options, the initial hunch is more often than not the right decision. Balance your rational thinking with your gut feeling and make the most out of your decision-making capacity.

#6 Sleep on It
We make the best decisions when we are motivated, focused and rested because complex analysis of the situation requires motivation, attention and self-control. When we are trying to make a big and important life decision while all those resources are depleted and we are tired, busy and stressed out, it is very likely that we come to a bad decision. Whenever possible, sleep on the decision and make your choice when you are well rested, have a lot of energy and motivation to dedicate to the decision and are clear-headed.

#7 Stay Open to All Possibilities
We all have the tendency to jump to conclusions or be biased to confirm something that we want to believe rather than objectively looking at all the facts and information. So in order to make the best possible choice when you have an important decision to make, stay open to all the information and possibilities – particularly the ones you don’t like or want. Sure it is a little bit more challenging and sometimes even uncomfortable, but staying open to all possibilities helps you to avoid making decisions that feel good in the moment, but will blow up in your face later on.

#8 Imagine Yourself as a Fly on the Wall
Sometimes we are so emotionally involved in a decision that it’s hard to think straight. That’s when it’s a good idea to remove yourself from the situation and imagine yourself to be the observer from the outside. Whenever you ponder a decision from a first-person perspective, you are less likely to employ wise reasoning. However, if you look at the decision from a third-person perspective, you will consider all the options, other people’s perspectives and different ways how the scenario could unfold. Imagine yourself as a fly on the wall and consider what advice you would give your best friend in the same situation.

#9 Align Your Decisions with Your Core Values
We all have core values and beliefs that guide us through life, so whenever you make your decisions based on your core values, you create a motivational alignment. Make every major life decision on whether or not the choice aligns with your highest values, priorities and passions because otherwise it won’t feel like you made the right choice. Get clear about your values and prioritize what means the most to you. Then see whether your choices align with those values and priorities or don’t align.

#10 Whatever You Decide Follow Through with Grit and Gusto
Whatever you decide in the end, you have to follow through with grit and gusto. Don’t second guess your decision, but have a strong backbone to act on your choice because otherwise you don’t even need to make the decision. Be passionate about your choice and stick to it day in and day out. Sure, sometimes it will turn out that it wasn’t the right decision, but at least you followed through and now you can make a new decision with more information, experience and wisdom.

When it comes to making better decisions in your life as well as work, you need to find ways to be passionate about the life choices you make and fire up your spirit to take giant leaps towards your goals and dreams. Keep in mind, when you have perseverance and passion for your long-term goals, you can achieve anything you want.

Joschi & Monika

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