Do you have a huge dream in your heart, but you are too busy right now, you’re not ready, yet or you’ll just wait a little while longer to start pursuing it? A lot of people have big dreams but somehow something is holding them back and they come up with excuses that halts them from going after what they really want.

The permission to follow your dreams and to live a fulfilled life comes from within. While this sounds easy enough, it’s not quite as easily done. Pursuing our dreams requires us to step out of our comfort zone, pursue our passions and let go of the ‘no’ and embrace the ‘yes’.

But how do we start that? Taking the first step is maybe the most difficult thing to do to actually achieving our dreams and we have to overcome a lot of mental obstacles in order to get going, but it’s important to remember that there will never be the perfect time, situation, people, resources, skill set… The perfect time to start working on our dreams is always right now.

Here are our TOP 10 tips to jump-start your dreams and actually achieve them.

#1 Dream It
Every dream begins in the mind and in the heart. Every great achievement in history first started in the mind of one person. That person dared to dream big and believed that it was possible to achieve anything and everything. Allow yourself to dream big and don’t let negative thinking discourage you. Be a big dreamer, dream of incredible possibilities for yourself, for your friends and family and for everybody else in this world. Ignite your dreams and fan the flames. Life’s too short not to dream big.

#2 Visualize It
If you want to achieve your big dreams, you have to see them. Picture yourself achieving your biggest, wildest dreams. Imagine in great detail how the world will look like when your dream comes true. Visualize how the dream will energize you because it will change your world for the better and you’ll life a happier life because of achieving your dream. Feel the excitement and energy of achieving your dream because this grooms the mind to control the body to carry out your dream.

#3 Dump the Doubt
If you’ve ever gone hiking and reached a massive uphill stretch, you probably know the feeling of having to decide whether to keep going up a hellish climb and conquer the challenge or give up and turn around. It’s the same thing when you are launching your big dream. It will seem hugely intimidating and doubt will creep in whether or not you will actually be able to make it to the top. But confront the doubt and know that you can make it to the top. Stop those negative, doubtful thoughts and counteract the doubt by acknowledging that the opportunity for success is greater than the chance of failure. If you are committed to achieving your dreams, you will do everything in your power to make it happen no matter what comes in your way, so contrast doubt with massive positivity.

#4 Silence the Critics
Whenever you start going towards your dream, there will be skeptics, critics and naysayers who will try to stop you rather than support you. They are most likely quick to point out all the risks and if you take their advice to heart, you will start to feel pretty down, pretty quickly. But you have the power to change that. Silence your critics by revealing to them that you are the person to achieve this dream because you have the skills, the mindset and the passion to go all the way. And keep in mind, most of the time your critics try to prevent you from going after your dream because they are jealous that you actually do it and they are still in the same spot like they were a year ago and are afraid to pursue their own dreams.

#5 Be Fearless
Sure, going after a big dream can be scary and you may not ever be without fear. But feel the fear and do it anyway. And if you get caught up in an infinite loop of worry, focus on this present moment and forget the past as well as the future. Put all your attention on what it is that you have to do in this present moment and do the best you can to keep moving forward. Besides, all those worries and expectations are usually worse than the actual outcome. Of course pursuing your dream will have some challenges and you will make mistakes, but what is the worst that can happen? You’ll fall and you pick yourself back up, dust yourself off and move on with more knowledge and experience.

#6 Get Focused
A lot of people have a dream, but they never reach it and the main reason is that they don’t obsess about achieving their dream and they don’t match that obsession with initiative. If you want to achieve your dream, you have to put all your focus and energy into your dream so that you can pull it into reality. Remove all distractions and think deeper and deeper about your dream and what steps you have to take to make it a reality. Say no to things that don’t align with your dream and put your entire focus on what it is that you want to achieve.

#7 Plan It
Of course you don’t just want to have a dream and then wildly do whatever comes to mind. Your dream has to take on some form of plan. Your dream won’t just magically materialize without actually making a plan and finding a strategy for how you will achieve this dream. Think about it in every possible detail and come up with a solid plan. Of course you want to regularly revisit your plan and change it and adjust it, but you have to have a dream plan in order to make it happen. If you don’t you will just run around in circles without actually getting anywhere.

#8 Work It
Dreaming it, seeing it and planning for it is essential, but of course it’s not enough. If you want to successfully make your dream a reality you have to put in the work. Keep in mind the most successful people are usually the hardest workers, so while others sit on their sofa watching the latest Netflix series, you have to work on your goals to achieve your dreams. However, if you work on your dream each and every day, you will be able to achieve your dream, because your everyday short-term tasks multiplied by time equal long-term accomplishments.

#9 Expect Obstacles
It is possible to achieve your dream, but nobody says it’s going to be easy, so don’t expect an easy road, but expect a hard way instead. If you have the right expectations from the get-go, it will be so much easier to deal with and overcome the obstacles that you will encounter on your way. When you don’t expect obstacles, you will be surprised by them and lose heart when they occur, but if you expect them, you are ready to tackle them head on and will be able to go all the way until your dream is a reality.

#10 Enjoy It 
When you reach your goal and are living your dream, make sure that you enjoy it. In fact, enjoy the journey, too. Give yourself some rewards along the way when you reach milestones and give yourself a huge, big bear hug when you reach it. And be generous and gracious and let others enjoy it, too. Then go back to #1 and dream a little bit bigger this time.

Anyone who wants to pursue their dreams has fears, doubts and worries. Sure, it’s not easy to take a leap of faith, but it’s only the risks we don’t take that we’ll eventually regret. So find the courage to take a risk, do what you love and follow your dreams.

Joschi & Monika

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