Some people love and thrive on routine and are perfectly happy doing the same things, working the same job, eating the same foods and meeting the same people day in and day out. For them it’s extremely comforting.

However, there are others who thrive on variety, challenges, newness, staring new projects, meeting new people, trying new things and getting out and about to find inspiration to fuel their creative power. Whether you are an artist, a scientist, an entrepreneur, an inventor or a marketer, we all need inspiration to solve complex problems, come up with insightful new ideas, innovate, excel at our job and make tough decisions.

But how do we go about finding inspiration and making our mind creative and brilliant? Is it even possible to access and activate the creative genius part of our brain? Luckily, neuroscientists and psychologists have done plenty of research on how to find inspiration when we need it the most and while it can sometimes be hard to find inspiration when we are bogged down by set patterns, it is possible to be inspired and let go of mental blocks.

Here are our TOP 10 ideas to unleash your creativity and find inspiration right now.


#1 Daydream
While most people believe that daydreaming is unproductive and a waste of time, reality is that daydreaming can actually sharpen our mind and can build brain power. Daydreaming generally happens naturally before we drift off to our afternoon nap, however, if you don’t have the luxury to take naps, schedule at least 30 minutes of daydreaming into your day and let your mind wander off. It’s a great way to overcome limiting beliefs that hold you back from accessing your inner genius and you will end up with brilliant ‘aha’ moments.

#2 Doodle
Remember how doodling helped you focus and retain information when you were 14? While it did receive a bad rap in school, research found that this frowned upon art actually helps us to access brain frequencies which contribute to removing mental blocks and obstacles. Absentmindedly drawing figures doesn’t just get our creative juices going, it also creates an inspiring chance to grow and open up our neural circuits to improve memory. Rather than seeing doodling as a distraction, see doodling as the amazing tool it is to train your brain to unfocus and reset itself to function at its best.

#3 Move More
Studies show that physical exercise creates new neurons in the hippocampus and with that stimulates our brain. Working out helps us to get out of our heads to stimulate new thought patterns. We’ve all heard the saying ‘motion creates emotion’ and the same goes for inspiration. Whether you go to the gym, enjoy a HIIT session, practice yoga, go swimming, running, cycling or play ball, intense physical activity inspires fresh new ideas and sparks creativity.

#4 Listen to Complex Music
It is a well-established fact that music positively impacts creativity as well as intelligence and studies show that for example listening to one of Mozart’s sonatas increases our spatial intelligence temporarily. Find complex music that is most stimulating and enjoyable to you and let this piece of art refresh your mind and inspire you.


#5 Take a Walk
Going for a walk can free your mind because you are doing something that you don’t have to think about and with that create space in your mind to reset itself and get creative. On top of that, getting out and about – whether that’s going around the block, taking a walk on the beach or enjoying a woodsy trail – gets our synapses snapping, because we get to be inspired by our environment.

#6 Disconnect
If you are looking to find your inspiration, disconnect from your electronic devices because checking your social media feed, emails or latest news is simply a bottomless pit of distraction. Distractions from the internet, stress eating, video games or shopping are highly addictive and while it feels good in the moment, it doesn’t accomplish anything. Instead of being glued to a screen, give yourself the time to disconnect and eliminate all distractions and with that allow yourself to clear your mind and tap into the inspiration that is already within you.

#7 Immerse Yourself in Nature
Whenever you feel stuck in your ways, immerse yourself in nature because it is well known to have rejuvenating powers. If you are looking to find clarity go to a place with lots of blue and green, which will have a calming effect. If you are looking to spark your creativity, go to a flower garden because the vibrant colors will stimulate your senses. If it isn’t possible to actually go into nature, close your eyes and visualize nature. In your mind’s eye see the beautiful colors of the season, smell the fresh air and hear the sounds of the chirping birds and take a mental vacation to rejuvenate your mind.

#8 Read Biographies
Inspiration is incredibly contagious, so when you are looking to find yours, read or watch biographies of people you admire for their creativity and innovation and let their journey inspire you. It can also be inspiring to read a book on the subject you like to find your inspiration. If you are tired of cooking the same dinner every night, read a cook book. If you are stuck with the same workout routine, watch fitness videos. You get the idea, whichever area you are looking to find your inspiration, someone else had the same problem and wrote about it, so let others inspire you and spark your imagination.

#9 Talk it Out
Sometimes things just flow and your creativity sparks all by itself. Inspiration can hit in the shower, while you work out or when you doodle, but sometimes our brain simply doesn’t cooperate and when this happens, talking it out with friends, family or co-workers can provide the spark you need to get going again. Just think about it, some of the best ideas come during an impromptu brainstorming session.

#10 Feed Your Curiosity
Do something you always wanted to do and dabble in something that you are curious about. You can find your inspiration when you follow your curiosity and do something that is a departure from your normal routine. Try unusual foods, listen to unfamiliar music, take a different route to work, meet new people, travel to foreign countries, visit an art show, a science fair, an industry event. Break from your routine and feed your curiosity by experiencing the world in a new way because a fresh stimulus widens your perspective and sparks your creativity.

Allow yourself to let your everyday world inspire you. Explore the world and develop the ability to create new ideas, invent new things and spark your creative mind. Get to know yourself and find the things that inspire you the most and get your creative juices going again. It is possible to find your inspiration if you are open to new experiences as well as embrace the magic of everyday life.

Joschi & Monika

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