Confidence – some people just seem to have it and others struggle with it. But the ones who have it, exude a presence where you can just see how confident they are. You can see it in their walk, you can see it in the way they handle themselves at meetings or parties, you can see it in the way they treat people. 

Self-confidence is complete trust in oneself – in one’s abilities, skills and talents. This trust makes us proactive and assertive and science tells us that confident people are more successful in their career and in life. 

While confidence is one of the most attractive traits in a person, we can all agree that even confident people have some issues. The big difference is that they don’t wear it on their sleeves and don’t show it because overall they are extremely comfortable with who they are and it shows in everything they do.

The way a person presents him or herself speaks volumes about their character and ultimately can make a world of difference. Here are our TOP 10 tips on how to exude more confidence and boost your image.

#1 Put a Smile on Your Face
Chances are, you’ve never going to go out of your way to speak to someone who consistently scowls and frowns. However, we all enjoy speaking to a person who smiles because it generally means that they are a confident, happy person. Your facial expression says a lot about your character and putting an inviting smile on your face is a powerful tool that lets people know that you are approachable. Keep in mind, it’s important to smile naturally and forget about that fake smile that tends to come out when we are uncomfortable or nervous and only takes away from your confidence. Smile when you are having a good day, smile when you are in a good mood and remember, smiling makes you and the world around you feel better instantly.

#2 Keep Your Back Straight and Chest Out
Body language is extremely important in your quest to exude confidence. Most people aren’t even aware of what image they project when they are standing around or walking on the street. But keep in mind, when you slump, you look insecure, lazy and scared. When you walk slowly, people tend to assume you are laid back but at the same time detailed oriented. Speed walkers on the other hand appear distracted and impatient. If someone stomps around, they tend to seek attention and oftentimes are highly demanding and unapologetic. Make it a point to pay attention to the way you stand and walk. Stand up straight, pull your stomach in and your chest out, hold your head up high and walk as tall as you can. Don’t overdo it though because you want to appear calm and collected rather than walk around like a robot.

#3 Use Your Hands
Learn how to incorporate your hands in the way you communicate. We are not talking about fidgety or shaky movements, but rater relaxed, fluid motions that emphasize and express certain words during your conversation. Using your hands shows the other person that you know how to express yourself and are comfortable doing so. Play around with this to find the perfect balance in your arm movements. If you need some help, ask a friend to do an honest imitation of you. This will give a good idea how others see you and allows you to make adjustments in the areas you want to improve.

#4 Support Others
Confident people aren’t afraid to congratulate and celebrate another person’s success. They don’t look for ways to take away from someone else’s achievements and aren’t afraid to support. Instead, accept the invitation to attend the event, purchase the product and cheer the other person on. Jealousy is born out of insecurity, but exuding effortless confidence is simply showing love and support to those who do well.

#5 Learn to Say No
We all have a laundry list of things to do that pertain to our own well-being as well as the well-being of those around us. Next time you are asked to do a certain tasks and you feel like you already have too much on your plate, remember that you can always say ‘No’. Exuding confidence means knowing when something is beyond your ability to handle a certain task whether that’s physically or emotionally and knowing your own limits is a great sign of strength. It means you understand your capabilities and emotional threshold.

#6 Forget the Past
The past is one of the biggest obstacles that prevents us from exuding confidence, if you allow it. Remember the past cannot be changed, so rather than wasting your time ruminating in the past and lowering your confidence, forget the past. Life isn’t going in that direction, so push forward and create your future. Rather than putting all your energy into erasing your past, put all your energy into moving forward to do better in the present and the future and you’ll forget about the past.

#7 Don’t Be Afraid of the Spotlight
A lot of people hide from the spotlight, because it can be intimidating and brings out nerves and fear. But rather than letting them get the better of you, put them in their place and learn to handle the spotlight with poise. Remind yourself that you can handle anything you set your mind to and instead of letting fear stop you, shift your focus on getting the job done and give it all you got. Conquer the spotlight and with that you will automatically exude more confidence.

#8 Seize Opportunities to Shine
Whenever you are presented with an opportunity that you know you will succeed in, jump on it. While the project may be easy for you, someone else may find it extremely challenging and difficult. Seize the opportunity to shine and show off your skills. Figure out a couple of things that you do particularly well and consistently apply your talents so that you can look, feel and exude confidence.

#9 Don’t Step on Other People’s Toes
If you take advantage of others, your chances of exuding confidence and portraying your authentic self are very low. Keep in mind, there is a huge difference between asking someone for help and taking advantage of someone. Knowing when and where to ask for help on your path to success is a great sign of confidence, but don’t try to exploit others for your own gain. 

#10 Exercise
If you want to exude confidence to the world, make sure that you find the time to work out. It is scientifically proven that a workout doesn’t just improve our physical and mental health and make us happier, it also makes us feel more powerful and like we can take on the world and with that exude confidence in everything we do. Push yourself to exercise every day and when you achieve this personal goal, you feel stronger to take on bigger challenges in every other area of your life as well.

Whether you start a new job, move to a new city or want to succeed in the dating world, exuding confidence will help you ace any new encounter with ease. See it as a chance to stretch yourself and learn how to come out of your shell and you will be able to present yourself confidently to the world.

Joschi & Monika

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