Life is lived in levels. And we are not talking about class but rather personal growth and the pursuit of your dreams and success.

From the day you were born until today, you have moved from one level to the next in various areas of your life. Physically you have learned to walk and talk, mentally you have learned to think more maturely and rationally, emotionally you have been influenced by your family, your peers, your teacher, your preacher and society. You have moved from one level to the next in education, career, business, relationships, personality and many more.

What is your current level of live? Where do you aspire to be tomorrow, next week, next month, next year?

Fact is that many feel stuck in certain aspects of their lives. Reality is that most of us want to get to that mystical next level in one area or another.

What is it going to take to get to that next level of energy, clarity, confidence, joy and happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction, connection… Not only to feel better about ourselves, but to have the ability to make better decisions for our day and our future, to be able to work more intelligently and strategically so we can achieve our dreams faster, to believe more in ourselves, to get better control of our mind when it starts to go a little crazy.

Reality is, that getting to the next level and upgrade your life means a constant challenge, commitment and the willingness to get up after begin knocked down.

What is the next bold move to upgrade your life for real life improvement and living with joy? Here are our TOP 8 STRATEGIES for how you can move to the next level.

#1 Prioritize Your Life
It is important to be able to put first things first and second things second… You can only do that if you know what your priorities are, when you know your values, your goals, aspirations and dreams. If you could only pursue one thing, what would that be? Make a list of things that come to mind. Just brainstorm and don’t judge. Then pick the 10 most important things and compare each one with every other one until you find what’s most important to you.

#2 Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
We’ve all heard the saying before, magic happens when you move beyond your comfort zone. If you become too comfortable with your current level, there will be no drive to pursue higher levels. Challenge yourself each and every day to aspire for greater things. Let the success of others inspire you and dare yourself to reach greater heights. Realize that you can far exceed your current accomplishments and not even the sky is your limit. Step out of your comfort zone and start working towards your new goals and dreams with bold moves.

#3 Make Goal Setting a Habit
Goals have been key in our lives to challenge ourselves to get uncomfortable with our achievements and continue to raise the bar of our accomplishments to stretch ourselves further to reach higher goals. If you want to get to the next level in education, career, profession, relationships, finance or life in general, develop the habit of setting goals. Why are we using the word habit? We want to emphasize that you set higher goals after every achievement. When you successfully accomplished a goal, celebrate it, but don’t get comfortable with it. Realize that life is a journey that never ends with achieving one accomplishment.

#4 Develop Yourself
Success is a journey, not a destination and you need to be well equipped to deal with the challenges in the process. Personal growth is a life long activity and in pursuing it, you invest in yourself and set yourself up for greater success. One of the most fundamental means to get to the next level is to develop yourself. Read a book, attend a training seminar, book a workshop series, find a mentor. Acquire more skills and fine-tune previous skills to increase your confidence and competence. And if you come across obstacles, stay positive and never doubt yourself.


#5 Value and Care for Your Body
Your body is this amazing fine-tuned machine that takes you through life. It’s where you live every single day. You have to properly take care of it otherwise you will not become everything you are supposed to become. Putting proper things in your mouth, mind and heart are critical, just as staying active is equally important. If you lack movement and sit too much, your body, mind and soul will atrophy.

#6 Nurture the Habit of Positive Thinking
‘Change your thoughts and you can change your world.’ ~ Norman Vincent Peale.
Whether your thoughts are positive or negative, you are rewarded according to the kind of thought patterns that your consistently have. Just think about it… You have nothing to lose by thinking positive all the time, but you have everything to lose if you think negative all the time. Positive thinking will give you the ability to upgrade your life. If you make positive thinking a habit by reading motivational and inspirational books, listening to inspiring podcasts, watching empowering videos, attending workshops and seminars, networking with positive people, your life will reach the next level in no time.

#7 Let Go of the Past & Believe in the Future
Simply put, believe that you will reach that next level. Believe that when you upgrade your life, you will be better than you were before, you will achieve greater things and your life will become more successful and fulfilled. But you can only activate this next level, if you are willing to let go of the past and don’t let the mistakes and failures that we all have to deal with from time to time, tie you down. If you dwell on the past, there is no way that you will see yourself at the next level. Learn from your mistakes and failures and move on. Embrace the future by learning to believe in it.

#8 Take Constant Action on Your Dreams
We want you to know that the next level is something you can achieve. Stop doubting yourself and start to believe in possibilities. But that’s not enough. You have to take constant action on your dreams, aspirations and goals. If you prioritized your life and your goals, you wake up ever morning, energized and ready to work on your dreams. Don’t wish for the next level, work for the next level. Take bold moves to upgrade your life.

We want to inspire you with these 8 strategies and encourage you to reach for greater levels in your life. The next level for you and all of us is just around the corner and it will make live more interesting and fulfilling. Consider what you will gain when you pursue the next level. Consider the lives that you will affect if you make it to the next level. Keep going in the direction of your dreams, aspirations and goals. Make bold moves and inspire others.

Joschi & Monika