We all have a different definition of success. For many of us, success is primarily measured in terms of wealth and money, but clearly there are other important aspects of success. Some people value spiritual freedom, others value the ability to help those in need, still others value health and love as the primary source of success. Whatever success means to you, there are some core qualities that all successful people have in common.

We’ve seen these qualities first-hand in a diverse group of highly successful people we have worked with and known for years. While each one is very different, they all share much of the same DNA when it comes to the qualities that made them successful.

Let’s have a look and see how many of these are reflected in your own life.


#1 Passion
Successful people are obsessively passionate about their work. And it is NOT a pursuit of money or wealth, wealth is only the by-product of accomplishing their goal. Successful people follow their heart and not their wallet. Passionate people have a clear sense of self-identity and self-confidence. They know no boundaries and have the ability to overcome any obstacle. Passion generates motivation and motivation generates passion. It is a circle of energy and accomplishment. Ask yourself: ‘Would you do it for free?’ If the answer is yes, then you’ve likely found your passion.

#2 Perseverance
If your goal has intrinsic value, to achieve it you must have perpetual perseverance. No matter what your goal is, every situation requires effort and you have to work hard and then harder and harder. While hard work is necessary, you have to have fun while you work. In order to be successful and persevere, it is important to avoid burnout. Highly successful people can put in the hard work because the vast majority of their work is enjoyable.

#3 Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is more than just a glance in the mirror in the morning. If you take the time to really look at yourself, the first thing that you may notice is an imperfection or two. Don’t stop there! Take an intense look at yourself to find your true self rather than your superficial self. To be highly successful, you need to know who you are. Know your strengths and your weaknesses and don’t be afraid of either.

#4 Ability to Handle Adversity
The more successful you are, the more you will have to deal with adversity coming at you. To be able to handle adversity demands that you admit your shortcomings and recognize your strengths. If you can honestly evaluate yourself and your performance, you will be immune to the disapproval and adversity from others. But keep in mind, feedback is a learning experience.

#5 Self-Discipline
Having self-discipline means that you have the ability to control your thoughts and behaviors in order to reach your goals. It means you have to ability to delay instant gratification for the bigger picture. Self-discipline also means that you do not follow trends. You don’t do something because it is popular, you do it because you believe it is important and it will work. Most likely you have met people in your life who act differently, who dress differently, who sometimes appear to be a misfit… Their goals and beliefs are so strong that they don’t care what other people think about them, however they care about treating others with respect.

#6 Emotional Control
The lack of emotional control causes unnecessary stress and an emotional outburst can trigger the release of a plethora of physiological hormones into your body. We’ve all been there. An uncontrolled thought enters your mind, which leads you to impulsive action that can compromise yourself and minimize the chance of reaching your goals. We all are subject to emotional distress at times, but to be successful you have to develop the power of intelligent thought so you can learn how to avoid succumbing to your negative emotions.

#7 Continuous Growth
If you want to achieve great success, you need to always be improving. Whether that’s in your career, your project, your product, your service, or your self, continuous growth means that you are getting good at something and then getting better and ultimately aim to be your best. Focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses and strive to continuously learn and grow.

#8 Push Outside Your Comfort Zone
We’ve heard it so many times, magic happens outside your comfort zone. So whatever you are doing in life, push yourself to the limits and get outside of your comfort zone. You have to push through your doubts and fears and push yourself towards success.

Remember, these 8 qualities don’t happen by accident or luck. They originate in habits and are built one day at a time. So if you don’t see all 8 qualities reflected in your life just yet, let us know how we can help you cultivate them.

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Joschi & Monika

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