Bold Naked Yoga's Blog on how to achieve success


‘Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.’ ~ Arnold H. Glasow

Depending on who you ask, success means different things to different people. Most people try to develop strategies, try to learn all about it, try to prepare and plan the outcome and try to analyze how others succeed… They create vision boards and talk about success so much that they don’t even have time to work on it.

And in the end, they end up fearing success, because they start to worry about what might happen and remind themselves of their past failures.

The truth is, everyone who succeeded had a specific goal in mind, dedicated all of his or her time and energy into it, worked hard, and made this their habit.

The real secret to put yourself on the road to success is integrating several key principles and using them in harmony with each other. No matter what your goal is, these key principles apply to any and all of your goals. So let’s have a look at what will make you successful.

#1 Responsibility
Most people blame others or circumstances for what doesn’t work out in their life. They judge and compare themselves to others and never move on. Successful people on the other hand take full responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, words, attitudes, actions and reactions. They play an active role on their path to success, admit to mistakes and aren’t afraid of consequences. This helps successful people to become less fearful and strengthen their mindset for challenges and obstacles on their way to success. However, keep in mind that you are not responsible for everything that happens in the universe. Some things are outside of yourself and you should not blame yourself when things happen that are beyond your control.

#2 Values
If we think of goals like specific locations on your road to success, values are like a compass leading you in the right direction. Your values and principles make who you are and set you on a course in your life journey. Establishing goals that are based on your values, will energize you and make you more passionate in the pursuit of your goals. Value-based goals also make it possible that you make changes to your goals, while maintaining consistent values. That means, when you change your goal, you are not a failure, because the new goal will still be consistent with who you are and fulfill your purpose.

#3 Mindfulness
In order to achieve your goals, you have to live in the present moment and mindfulness practices will support you in staying in the present moment, while enjoying the many health and wellness benefits of mindfulness. It has been shown over and over again that mindfulness lowers stress levels, decreases anxiety and depression, improves immunity and benefits your overall psychological, emotional and physical health, enhancing your life satisfaction. Mindfulness means that you are fully engaged in the process of achieving your goal and you appreciate the journey towards your goal.

#4 Positivity
In order to achieve your goal, you must stay positive. There is an abundance of research that shows that adopting a positive attitude leads to greater health, better relationships, more happiness and more success. The belief that good things will happen in the future, gives you a resilience to persist in spite of challenges and obstacles. Make it a daily practice to be grateful for what you already have, belief in your strengths, your talents, abilities and skills to achieve a positive mindset.


#5 Attraction
Positivity is associated with improved health, being more open minded, increased success, better relationships and many other characteristics and behaviors that are conducive to achieving your goals and meeting the kind of people that are positive and influential in our life. Positivity attracts positivity and if you have the support of a positive peer group, you tend to get better in your job, have more success and better relationships. This is not a magic pill, it is a social, scientific phenomenon, which implies that you take an active role in this process. It’s like the Law of Attraction says: ‘Like attracts Like.’ The more peaceful, happy and content you are with your life right now, the more you will attract.

#6 Growth & Motivation
Any successful person never misses a chance to learn something new… Read books, listen to podcasts, follow a mentor or coach, go to workshops and seminars, never miss a chance to improve your skills. Be always on the grow if you want to put yourself on the road to success. This will help you to stay motivated and keep that burning desire that is essential if you want to achieve your goals. Empower yourself daily, spend time with like-minded people and share ideas, become more confident and enjoy the process.

#7 Visualization
Visualization is a well-known tool to help you on the road to success. But it is very important to not just visualize the outcome. Visualize the whole process, the ups and the downs, how you feel, and of course include the end result. Envision the whole journey, know where you are right now and what you need to get from here to there.

#8 Inspired Action
Taking action is the key towards reaching your dreams. Nothing will ever happen if you don’t take action. Success is the result of hard work that needs to be done every single day. Only by practicing can you get better and eventually master the things you do. See what works and what doesn’t and if something doesn’t work, stop doing it, become more confident in your abilities and generate ideas, be very focused and get more done. Make hard work your habit, believe in yourself, see your progress and therefore have the motivation to keep going.

Joschi & Monika

2 thoughts on “ROAD TO SUCCESS”

  1. Pingback: ROAD TO SUCCESS | Nudie News

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